Georgia CTSA KL2 Scholar and Research Team Identify Crucial Biomarker That Tracks Recovery from Treatment-Resistant Depression

brain illustration
An artist's rendering of the white matter tracts in the brain of a patient in the study by Georgia Tech, Mount Sinai, and Emory University researchers. The rendering was created using a 3D model created with data from a special type of MRI. The highlighted area is the region targeted in deep brain stimulation therapy for treatment-resistant depression. Recordings of brain activity during treatment paired with new explainable AI tools can provide objective data about recovery to physicians. — Illustration: Mike Halerz, TeraPixel

A team of leading clinicians, engineers, and neuroscientists has made a groundbreaking discovery in the field of treatment-resistant depression published online in Nature. First author Georgia CTSA KL2 Scholar Sankaraleengam (Sankar) Alagapan, PhD, Research Scientist II, Georgia Tech ECE, collaborated with researchers at Emory SOM and Icahn Mount Sinai to use AI to detect shift in brain activity that coincided with patients’ recovery using DBS.

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